Protect Your Family And Home From Intruders / Proteja su Familia y su Hogar de Intrusos

This Home Invasion crime prevention poster is a follow up on the last one, “Home Safety” (Burglary). Again Fannin County has a lot of rural and city homes that are targets. However, in this case, the actors do not care who might be home. The tips on the poster are all basic, but most important is the one about having an action plan for everyone in the house. Can you get to a safe room or out of an exterior door with your cell phone? Safe rooms and large dogs are good suggestions but not everyone has a safe room or a large dog. If you are considering new security locks, consider what they will be mounted to. You may have a solid door but what about the frame? Have a plan for what people/kids in different parts of the house are supposed to do.

This Crime Prevention message is brought to you by the Fannin County Criminal District Attorney as a public service.  Please feel free to pass these posters and information on.

Download .PDF versions of the crime prevention posters (better for print).

Home Invasion Poster_FCDA

Home Invasion Poster-SPANISH_FCDA