Recent Vehicle Thefts in Bonham and Surrounding Areas: Protect your Vehicle / PROTEJA SU VEHÍCULO

Recent Vehicle Thefts in Bonham and Surrounding Areas

Tips to protect your vehicle / PROTEJA SU VEHÍCULO

Recently there has been a number of vehicle burglaries in Bonham and the surrounding cities and out in the county. Auto burglary happens in America every day and night. Sometimes it is aided by the fact that citizens do not lock their doors because they have a false sense of security about where they live, or they leave valuables in plain sight inside the vehicle. Your vehicle has a number of valuables that thieves want that are resalable and in some instances for a significant amount of money: Radios, stereos and airbags to name a few. Once they are in the vehicle anything else is just added dollars to, in most cases, buy drugs with.

If you leave a weapon or any type of badge in the vehicle and the item gets stolen, this adds to the seriousness of the situation. A badge or gun could create another set of problems for another citizen if used in the commission of a crime or in the misrepresentation of a person’s status in law enforcement or fire departments.

In this last rash of vehicle burglaries, there were five weapons stolen out of five vehicles in one night.

It is seemingly a small thing, but record your tag number in case your vehicle is stolen. Record any item that has a serial number or model number. This will aid law enforcement in recovering your property, particularly a weapon, because without a serial number it will just be another weapon being sold to someone else or a pawn shop.

Crime Prevention starts at home, as an individual, as a county, WE Can Prevent Crime from happening to us and our neighbors. This Crime Prevention Tip is brought to you by the Fannin County Criminal District Attorney’s Office as a public service.

Please feel free to pass these posters and information on.

Download .PDF versions of the crime prevention posters (better for print).

Auto Theft Prevention Poster_FCDA

Auto Theft Prevention Poster-SPANISH_FCDA