Press Release about the Fannin County Courthouse restoration cases

On February 27, 2025, Judge Duncan Thomas appointed the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office to handle the prosecution of the six (6) cases indicted on December 19, 2024, related to the Fannin County Courthouse restoration.

Following the recusal of the Judge of the 336th District Court, the Fannin County District Attorney’s office also requested to be recused (or removed) from prosecution of these cases due to a direct conflict of interest since one of the defendants is a sitting county commissioner.

It is important that the public understand that it would be improper and unethical for our office to be involved in the cases, one reason being that the budget for the DA’s office is subject to approval by the Commissioner’s Court. This by itself could give the appearance that our office could be  influenced if we handled the cases.

In other words, this office is not involved in any way with these cases.

All matters involving the prosecution, any possible future hearings, possible pleas or trials will be exclusively handled by the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office.

Any questions or inquiries should be directed to that office.