Protect yourself from Robbery — PROTÉJASE DEL ROBO

This crime prevention tip is brought to you by the Fannin County Criminal District Attorney as a public service. Please feel free to pass these posters and information on. Download .PDF versions of the crime prevention posters (better for print). Robbery Poster_FCDA Robbery Poster-SPANISH_FCDA


This crime prevention tip is brought to you by the Fannin County Criminal District Attorney as a public service.  Please feel free to pass these posters and information on. Download .PDF versions of the crime prevention posters (better for print). Robbery Business Poster_FCDA Robbery Business Poster-SPANISH_FCDA  

Hatred Hurts Everyone — EL ODIO PERJUDICA A TODOS

This crime prevention tip is brought to you by the Fannin County Criminal District Attorney as a public service. Please feel free to pass these posters and information on. Download .PDF versions of the crime prevention posters (better for print). Hate Crimes Poster_FCDA Hate Crimes Poster-SPANISH_FCDA

Stop Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying generally applies to young adults and children but it can happen to adults also. As parents, we have a responsibility to protect our children from any type of bullying and we can accomplish this through education, both for ourselves as well as our children. Today even the youngest child has access to a computer or … Read more